28 April 2009

been almost 6 months since i last bowled.
went yishun safra to bowl today.
bowled like shit, but thats not the main point.
my middle finger is gone.
probably from the friction created between the tip of the middle finger and the ball while bowling. it caused a tear and subsequently turned into a hole at the top segment of the middle finger.. any deeper it would have reached my flesh already.

knn.. i m typing this post with my ring finger lor.. the middle finger is handicapped already. luckily i dun use it to point at ppl one.. haha. erps.

ok i will stop complaining of the pain like a gay.. but its really painful when the water touches the wound..zzz...


thered. 8:44 AM  

hey xiaodi~ take care of ur .. middle finger! hahaha. and, congrats on ur promotion! :)

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