11 October 2008

I know the last post was rare cuz its more than 2 paragraphs.. haha.
well what to do.
life is usually so boring.
i dun have much thoughts and emotions about anything.
then that anime just happen to trigger my thoughts and emotions.
and all thanks to it.. i just became abit emo.

2 reasons.


i was thinking.. i m freaking 19 years old.

19 seem pretty old.
Its like you are gonna be 20 soon.
So today i was pretty sian when i thought abt it.

Its like my youthful days are gonna be over and i spend it like this.
slacking around doing nothing meaningful.

and my mom said i am crazy.
if 19 is old what is 40plus?

true, but still i feel old.
not matured. just old.

second reason..

damn i am 19 and i m currently not interested in girls.
i mean like since my last seriously interested one.
not those mini crushes.. um..
damn when was that?
um.. back in early 2007 ba. It is freaking 1.5 yrs back dude!

then of course along the way there are minor crushes.
i guess its normal for ppl of this age, esp guys.
if dun have that means something is wrong.
and seriously.. something IS wrong with me noW!!

so i was complaining to my mom.
damn why am i not interested in anyone.
its damn abnormal.
so she said cuz i still haven run into someone i love.
ok thats the correct answer.
but when am i going to run into someone i really care for?
when i m like 50?????
probably cant produce any children already.
i want children ok.

I realised that after finishing that anime.
you know last time if you got that type of small passing crushes it keeps life interesting and your brain occupied. i guess you all know what i mean la.
but now.. its like my brains has nothing but brain juice inside.

and of course, in the show riku and sayuri got tgt in the end and wow everything is like so perfect. i was thinking.. damn why cant my life also be so perfect and happy huh? you got to watch the show to understand it. sayuri is like miss perfect angel. something like dat. i guess this kind of girl is like all the guys dream.

dont say i m lame and retarded ok. who doesnt want to have a nice gf or bf right?


ahh what ever..
just let me emo awhile..


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