01 June 2008

Stayed at home the whole day.

I m planning the gang outing for next week eh.. but haven got any great idea yet.
actually wanted to go cycling, but pris got an issue with bicycles. Apparently she cant cycle without getting bruises. HAHA!

ok so need a alternative plan la.
Its going to be on 8th june.. mid afternoon.. so keep it free please.
and if u r attached pls feel free to bring ur bf/gf along.
but if u r not attached and wanna bring someone along, yea just bring..HAHA!
um.. we cant freaking go to sentosa at such weird time.. haha..
um.. ok.. ran out of ideas.. but dont worry i have 14 hrs to think abt it tml.

spend all of my time today making blog templates.
They are actually quite bad looking.
i m not using photoshop.. cuz dun have it la..
using the trial beta version of microsoft expression design.
suppose to be something like photoshop i think..
well i suck at it la..
the full tutorial is so super long probably take me like 1yr to finish reading..
so din read la.. haha!

is this how it feels to miss someone?


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