01 January 2008

The Forbidden Step
Priceless is an angel's smile.
How can one survive without?
Stars and diamonds fails to buy
only a choosen heart can.

Risk it. Risk it not.
Disasters behold.
Succeed or fail.
Unavoidable losses.

Ice melts under the sun.
A frozen heart cant.
Diamonds in the rocks takes a year to mine.
Diamonds in the eyes takes a lifetime.

Stairs to heaven, a zillion steps.
stairs to the heart stretches forever.
is there still any courage left to take the first step.
The forbidden step.

no worries i m fine.
i m not emo..lol.
just felt like being Dom for one day..LOL!
yea dom wrote a post that isnt his style. A perfectly normal one which everyone can understand.
so i decide to write smt that isnt my style. some stupid un-understandable thing that i dun even understand it myself.

alright. who knows the meaning? one word to describe all. not L O V E..haha!


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